An KAFO, or Knee Ankle Foot Orthosis (pl. Knee Ankle Foot Orthoses), is a specialized medical device that is worn on the leg from the foot up to just below the hip. There are many types of KAFOs and they are used for many different reasons.
KAFOs are made according to the specific needs of each person. They are made in many different styles according to the medical, biomechanical and environmental needs of the individual.
See your family doctor or specialist for a diagnosis of your problem (for example, knee and foot weakness due to polio)
The doctor would write a prescription for the KAFO with a diagnosis (for example, Dx – Polio, knee weakness/instability, Tx – KAFO)
Book an appointment with us for an assessment.
When you come in for the assessment, we will:
If you choose to proceed with a KAFO, we will:
Our Registered Technicians will custom make your KAFO at our laboratory in Mississauga (this process takes approximately 1-2 weeks)
Any time you have any changes, discomfort or if the KAFO is not working as it should, you will book an appointment to see us again for an re-evaluation and possible adjustments.